Market Fatigue For The Impatient Investor
There has been a lack of write up or sharing since end March 2021. Maybe it was the packed 1 st quarter I had – Reviewing companies, writing posts, the rise and fall of market during the same period of time, the significant high number of collaborations here and there during the 1 st quarter, as well as my full time job. I have been feeling a bit of market fatigue since end Mar 21 – the end of 1 st quarter. Basically, I am just not able to generate enough passion/energy to follow and update of the market. At times, I felt I should be investing ALL MY EXCESS CASH and then wait till a few months or even a year, and then go back to look at the market. This is because I know the companies I have are amazing. I have also been reducing and consolidating my holdings – trying to just hold onto my highest conviction companies. Another point to note is that I have yet to sell any of CRNC , APPS , AZT and NIO since I wrote about them. In fact I added more . This is because I kno...