Market Fatigue For The Impatient Investor

There has been a lack of write up or sharing since end March 2021.

Maybe it was the packed 1st quarter I had – Reviewing companies, writing posts, the rise and fall of market during the same period of time, the significant high number of collaborations here and there during the 1st quarter, as well as my full time job.

I have been feeling a bit of market fatigue since end Mar 21 – the end of 1st quarter. Basically, I am just not able to generate enough passion/energy to follow and update of the market.

At times, I felt I should be investing ALL MY EXCESS CASH and then wait till a few months or even a year, and then go back to look at the market. 

This is because I know the companies I have are amazing.

I have also been reducing and consolidating my holdings – trying to just hold onto my highest conviction companies.

Another point to note is that I have yet to sell any of CRNC, APPS, AZT and NIO since I wrote about them. In fact I added more. This is because I know they will do better especially in the next year.

The impatient self will want to hop onto a time machine – Just to move ahead and witness the amazing gain I will have in the future.

Nevertheless, due to my role as a blogger, collaborator, and investor, I am unable to shut the market out totally. I should also not leave my readers.

Finally, this post is just to explain why I am so quiet lately.

Anyway don’t worry. I will be back soon.

The 2021 series will be back with a bang!
